Tuesday, November 6, 2012

English Conversation: THE EFFECT OF USING TOEIC ...



THE EFFECT OF USING TOEIC ASESSMENT AND LEARNING STYLE TOWARDS THE RESULT OF THE ENGLISH NATIONAL EXAMINATION (UN) at private vocational school (SMK) Central? Jakarta The Motto ? When I see U and When You have Told, I know what you want!!! ? A.??? Background of the Research The quality of education has become main reference and concern in this globalization era. In the broader concept, the quality of education refers to process and result of education as a whole. By establishing standards for students competence in student assessment, the government of Indonesia has standardized the quality of education in vocational school by holding a national test. National exam commonly abbreviated as UN/UNAS is a standard evaluation system of primary and secondary education in Indonesia and the equation of quality of education levels among the areas that conducted by the center for Educational Assessment, Depdiknas in Indonesia based on Undang-UndangRepublik Indonesia nomor 20 tahun 2003 states that in order to control the quality of education nationwide to be evaluated as a form of accountability of education providers to the parties concerned. Further stated that the evaluations conducted by independent agencies on a regular basis, comprehensively, transparently and systematically to assess the achievement of national education standards and the monitoring process evaluation should be done continuously. Evaluation of the monitoring process is carried out continuously and continuous in the end will be able to fix the quality of education. Improving the quality of education begins with the determination of the standard. Determination standards continue to rise is expected to encourage increased quality of education, which is determination of educational standards is the determination of the limit value (cut-off score). Someone said to have passed / competent when it has passed the limit value of the boundary between learners who have mastered certain competencies with learners who have not mastered certain competencies. When that happens on the national exam or school then the boundary value function to separate the students who graduated and did not pass is called the limit of graduation, graduation delimitation activities called standard setting. Benefits of standard setting final exam: 1.????? The limit of graduation each subject in accordance with the demands of minimum competency. 2.????? The same standards for each subject as a minimum standard of competency achievement. The goal of test is mainly focused to measure the view that student assessment is an essential part of teaching and that good teaching cannot exist without good student assessment. English is one of the subject that included in the test. On the other hand, quite many students are not able to get a passing grade of English test. In addition, which is occurred in the school, is that they have to follow many items of English test. Such as Listening ?and reading so they feel hard in testing the target language. For example, students in SMK Muhammadiyah Jakarta Pusat do not like either, where as the importance of practice English test, especially Nasional test materials, was stated on curriculum of the school. It is stated that the purpose of learning. Talking about achievement of the target language, there are several elements, one of the main element is learning style. Experiences show that developed countries are those who place learning style as the main element in education. In Indonesia, has not placed appropriately in the policies and programs of education. Now a days is time to make policy with new paradigm, which is building education by starting it from subject of ? good teaching strategy by giving motivations as well?. Without it, the quality of education which is intended to educate people through the development of human resources will not be achieved. (Homes : 2007:20) ?.. motivation comes from outside the classroom and may be influenced by a number of external factors such as attitude of society, family and peers to the subject in question is often referred to as extrinsic motivation, the motivation that students bring into the classroom from outside, Intrinsic motivation. The motivation, on the other hand, is the kind of motivation that generated by what happens inside the classroom. This could be teachers? method, the activities, that the students take part in, or their perception of their success or failure. Base on this case, the writer stated the problem solution about above : ??????? ?????????to make language learning interesting and got a passing grade of National Examination, using media of? TOEIC ????? ( Test of English for International Communicative ) test? and student?s learning style is an alternative that can be prepared in class, the teacher can use the Media of TOEIC test to make student apply and practice how to use that book in the practicing to get right answer of English National test question. Researcher have long reported the benefits of using TOEIC test in language teaching. The past decade has seen a growing interest in exploring TOEIC test as teaching tool in a content- based syllabus, for example TOEIC test can be used to illustrate material of the English National Examination which are unfamiliar and in accessible and provide the learner for further discussion particularly for vocational school. TOEIC is an acronym that stands for Test of English for International Communication. It is the most widely used English language exam taken by more than 4 million business professionals worldwide. The TOEIC test measure ability to use English in daily situations covering such topics as corporate development, finance technical matters, health and business travel. A growing number of international companies recognize the TOEIC as an objective indicator of a person?s proficiency in studying English. It is important to understand that the TOEIC does not measure what have student learned in one particular English class but evaluates student general command of the English language in a communicating setting. This means, the teachers have to use and explore as many materials, resources and methods as possible in order to improve their English. Teachers should create an environment in which they are exposed to the English language on a daily basis. For example, teachers ask the students to listen to the Voice of America, watch television on CNN, SkyNews or BBC, read newspaper articles in English and write e-mail. In addition, the Internet provides with a wide variety of learning tools such as electronic newsletters, discussion groups and forums. On English-test.net students will find a large number of interactive tests that help them learn the core vocabulary of the TOEIC test. There is a total of 684 test with 10 question each. If the student take all of tests they will have learned 3420 words that frequently occur in the TOEIC. B.???? Identification of the Problem Base on the back ground, some problems which can be identified are : 1.????? Does the teacher play big role to improve the passing grade of The English National Examination? 2.????? Have the students at 3rd grade in Kartini?s Vocational School mastered enough to answer the English National Examination question? 3.????? Can TOEIC test media and student learning style improve to study English test? 4.????? Is the effect of using TOEIC test media and Student?s learning style towards the result of English National Examination get higher? C.??? Limitation of the Problem Base on the problem identification, the researcher focused on the effect of using TOEIC test media and student?s learning style on the result of English of the National Examination in Vocational School in Central Jakarta D.??? Formulation of the Problem Base on limitation of problem,? a question was formulated as follows: 1.????? Is there an effect of using TOEIC Test media towards the result of the English National Examination at Vocational School in Central Jakarta 2.????? Is there an effect of student?s learning style towards the result of the English National Examination at Vocational School in Central Jakarta 3.????? Is there an effect of using TOEIC Test Media and Student?s Learning Style? towards the result of the English National Examination at Vocational School in Central Jakarta. E.???? The Aim of the Study In this study the researcher will describe the purpose of the research undertaken: 1.????? To know the effect of using TOEIC test media towards the result of the National Examination at Vocational School. 2.????? To know the effect of student?s learning style towards the result of the English National Examination at Vocasional School 3.????? To know the effect of using TOEIC test media and student?s learning style towards the result of the English National Examination at Vocational School F.???? Significance of the Study The writer hopes that this study case can be used as an alternative for teachers in teaching English test of Vocational student. It also can be used as a resource to several uses in theory . this study provides the English teachers in Vocational School basis and compare it with another kind of interaction pattern. G.??? Organization of the Thesis This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 the introduction on this chapter, the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope and limitation, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and organization of the thesis. Chapter 2 discusses the previous study and the theoretical framework. Chapter 3 describes the research methodology used in the study. Chapter 4 discusses the research finding and the discussion of the finding. Chapter 5 is conclusion and suggestion.
  1. Review of Related Literature
In the theoretical description, National Examination as a part of general evaluation is discussed, Media, TOEIC assessment and Learning Style. 1.????? The Definition of UN Are we know about National Examination? National Examination is a test a measure and evaluate the student?s competence nationally by the central government after the process of teaching and learning (Peraturan Mentri Pendidikan Th 2005:1). National Examination commonly abbreviated as UN/UNAS is a standard evaluation system of primary and secondary education in Indonesia and the equation of education quality levels among the areas that conducted by the Centre for Educational Assessment, the quality of education nationwide to be evaluated as a form of? accountability of education providers to the parties concerned. In Indonesia there are four subjects for vocational school students to be examined nationally by the government. One of the subject is English. There are several purposes why the government holds the national Examination. The government needs the students? result s to: a.?????? Determine the graduation of the students b.????? Select the student to continue the higher level of education c.?????? Map the quality or program of education d.????? Determine the quality of a school e.?????? Control and give aids to improve the quality of education As a result, the school could a student?s graduate although he got less than a three (3.00) in one of this National Examination as long as the average of all the subjects examined either school or National Examinations could reach a 6.00 (http:/wwwtokohindonesiacom/majdah/22kilas-un.~hhnl,2006). In the school year of 2005 and 2006 there are two different sets of examination for the third grade students because there are two kind of curriculum implemented. One set is developed according to the 1994 Curriculum and the other is based on the 2004 Curriculum The material of the examination is prepared by the central government, however, the multiplication of the items as well as? the scoring of the results is done by the provincial government. The scoring is computerized and also handled by the provincial government. During the Examination the students are watched by teachers from other schools, there are two teachers in one classroom watching the students do the examination. The teachers from the student?s own school are not allowed to be inside the room where the students are doing the examination because there might be a possibility that the teachers will help the students do the examination. In addition to the availability of local teachers there is also an independent team whose duty is to control the process of the examination. The independent team has to make sure that the examination runs well i.e. no cheating happens either by the students or by the teachers in the school. As soon as the students finis doing the National Examination, the answer sheets are put in and sealed correctly and honestly into the envelope and delivered to the committee of the examination The passing grade for the National Examination in 2006 is 4.25 and the average mark for the National Examination is at least 4.50. in 2005 the passing grade time the National Examination of four subjects began, the passing grade was only 4.10. however, in that year, the government used the score conversion which created a lot of problem because of the unfairness and the consistency of the conversion. The conversion system increased the benchmark from a score of 3.01 to 4.01. This score conversion, of course , benefited the poor students but it disadvantaged the good students because it raised the scores of students who answered correctly less than 50% but lowered the score of the students who could answer correctly more than 50% (Jakarta Post, 19February 2005) 2.????? English National Examination at vocational School Since the school year 2010/2011 The English National Examination in Indonesia has included the skills of listening and reading. In the school year 2011/2011 there were listening section has 15 questions and reading section has 45 questions. The time allowed to do the exam was 120 minutes. The listening section consisted of 4 parts. Part I tested the students? ability to describe the pictures. Part II tested the student?s ability in understanding a statement or question in English. Part III tested the student?s ability in understanding short conversation and Part IV tested the students? understanding of short texts. In the reading section, there are 35 question which tested the student?s ability in understanding authentic texts and language function, such as tenses, conjunction. In the reading section, there are 35 question which tested the students? ability in understanding authentic texts and languages function, such as tense, conjunction, conversational expression as well as vocabulary, it can be summarized into: 1.????? Listening Skill for Question number 1-3 Describing Picture and Question and response, for Question number 4-11 have language function for? short conversation? 2.????? Reading Skill for number 16-60 have sub skill or Language Function is Completion, Error Recognition and Authentic Text 3.????? Nature of a Media a.????? Understanding of Learning Media b.????? Function of Learning Media c.?????? Characteristics of Some Type of Learning Media d.????? Classification of learning Media e.?????? Book as a Learning Media 4.????? The Nature of TOEIC book?s preparation as a Media a.????? Rationale for a TOEIC preparation Course b.????? Format of the test of TOEIC 1.????? It is multiple ? 2.????? The question are divided into two main section : c.1.??????????????????????? The Listening Task through TOEIC Materials c.2.??????????????????????? Reading through Grammatical Judgment Test c.?????? Why Vocational School Choose TOEIC as a Basic material Test? 5.????? Student Learning Style a.????? General Strategies to Style Motivation 1.????? Capitalize on Students? existing needs 2.????? Make students active participants in learning. 3.????? Ask students to analyze what makes their classes more or less ?motivating?. 4.????? Hold high but realistic expectation fpr your students 5.????? Help students set achievable goals for themselves. 6.????? Tell students what they need to do to succeed in your course. 7.????? Strengthen students? self-motivation. 8.????? Avoid creating intense competition among students. 9.????? Be anthusiastic about your subject.
  1. Conceptual Framework
1.????? An Effect of TOEIC Assessment towards the result of the English National Examination (UN) 2.????? An Effect of Learning Style toward the result of the English National Examination (UN) 3.????? The Effect of TOEIC Assessment and Learning Style on the result of the English National Examination (UN)
  1. Research Hypothesis
1.????? There is an Effect of TOEIC Assessment towards the result of the English National Examination (UN) 2.????? There is an Effect of Learning Style toward the result of the English National Examination (UN) 3.????? There are the Effect of TOEIC Assessment and Learning Style on the result of the English National Examination (UN) THE EFFECT OF USING ALAT UKUR LISTENING TOEIC TEST AND LEARNING STYLE TOWARDS THE RESULT OF THE ENGLISH NATIONAL EXAMINATION (UN) at private vocational school (SMK) Central? Jakarta A.??? Background of the Research B.???? Identification of the Problem C.??? Limitation of the Problem D.??? Formulation of the Problem E.???? The Aim of the Study F.???? Significance of the Study G.??? Organization of the Thesis

Source: http://rajomankuto.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-effect-of-using-toeic-asessment-and.html

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