Thursday, January 24, 2013

Electric BMW ActiveE Buyers are Varied - Automotive Digest

Electric BMW ActiveE Buyers are Varied


Green Car Reports - January 22, 2013

The writer set out to find out which cars were being traded in for the new elec?tric BMW ActivE, and the results of his ven?ture proved rather interesting.

Which vehi?cles were traded in for the elec?tric BMW?

Of the more than 50 dri?vers who responded?some say?ing what car the ActiveE had sup?planted, even if they didn?t actu?ally trade it in?the list var?ied a?lot.

Many ActiveE dri?vers came from the Mini E test, and had effec?tively swapped their elec?tric Mini Cooper for the elec?tric BMW, which is based on the 1-Series two-door sedan.

Beyond the Mini E, though, there were a num?ber of sedans, even a wagon or two, from Euro?pean brands (Audi, BMW, Saab, Volvo).

There was one Lin?coln LS, the early-2000s attempt by Ford?s lux?ury brand to pro?duce a mid-size lux?ury sport sedan. There was one Jeep Grand Chero?kee.

There were a few Toy?ota Priuses, a Honda Civic Hybrid (for the HOV-lane sticker, its owner can?didly admit?ted), a Mazda Miata, and a Sub?aru Out?back Sport. There was even a motorcycle.




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